
12 February 2014

A Song to Celebrate Valentine's Day

It's Samantha again! Valentine’s Day is coming up, guys! So, I thought a love song would be appropriate. There are a lot of great wedding and wedding-style songs out there, but this song left them all behind; “Two Words” by Lea Salonga. Filipino pop star, Broadway legend, and UN Special Ambassador (not to mention the singing voice of Jasmine and Mulan!)

“Two Words” was a wedding gift Lea wrote for some friends. She even sang it when she married her husband, Daniel Chien (pictured above at their wedding). It summed up the whole meaning of loving someone and the enormity of a wedding into, well, two words; “I do.” This song was so beautiful that I put it into Kerri and Rob’s wedding video.  Great for anyone who’s walking down the aisle!

In a while, in a word,
Every moment now returns.
For a while, seen or heard,
How each memory softly burns.
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows,
I thank God for yesterdays,
How they led me to this very hour,
How they led me to this place...

Every touch, every smile,
You have given me in care.
Keep in heart, always I'll,
Now be treasuring everywhere.
And if life should come to just one question,
Do I hold each moment true?
No trace of sadness,
Always with gladness.
'I Do.

09 February 2014

Science and Creationism, Part IV: Creation and Science Collide

This is the fourth and final post in the series on Science and Creationism. All the information is from a final paper I wrote for a class at Genesee Community College. Make sure to check out the first three posts as well:

Part I: The Big Bang Theory, Galactic Placement, and the Planets
Part II: Molecular Biology
Part III: Human Evolution
It may surprise you to know that in many ways science and the Bible coincide with each other, not just in the way of creation.  According to The Evidence Bible, in Genesis 1:1, 2, God first tells man that He controls all aspects of the universe, which coincides with science because science expresses the cosmos in 5 terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion, and according to Genesis, in the beginning (time), God created (power) the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)…And the Spirit of God moved (motion) upon the face of the water.  Also, in Genesis 1:14, God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. Moses, the accepted author of this book, knew this fact 3500 years ago.  But recently scientists are realizing how this is true because when astronomers note how long it takes for the Earth to circle around the sun, it also affects the planet’s seasons, and, according to the Worldbook Multimedia Encyclopedia, “astronomers can tell exactly from the earth’s motions around the sun when one season ends and the next one begins.”  Also, another instance where science proved the Bible is true was when Matthew Maury (1806-1873), who became known as the father of oceanography and “Pathfinder of the Seas”, took literally what was written in Psalm 8:8 [The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.] 2800 years ago and discovered the warm and cold water currents.  He was able to do this in 1847 by studying the available navigational and meteorological charts that numerous sailors had stored in logbooks from the U.S. Navy’s Depot of Charts and Instruments. 
Another time that science proves evolution is wrong and the Bible is true, is in the case of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  According to the DVD, A Question of Origins, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, or Entropy, says that as time progresses the cosmos becomes less ordered, and that over time all systems left on their own proceed in a direction from order to disorder, and we all bear witness to this fact when we view things aging and deteriorating nearly every day.  This breakdown of structure directly contradicts the theory of evolution, even though the Second Law of Thermodynamics allows you to increase order, like a baby growing into an adult, it can only happen if there is an outside energy source and a harnessing mechanism to capture the energy, which is one thing evolution doesn’t have.  The Bible said this in Isaiah 51:6 [Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.] and even scientists are able to recognize that the idea of evolution creating the universe violates this law, also called Entropy, which was also explained in that verse when it said, “the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner”. 
            Evolutionists and creationist are both in agreement at least on the topic of how our universe is not infinite, and that space, time, and matter had a beginning that is referred to as a Singularity.  NASA scientist, Robert Jastrow, had written: “The Second Law of Thermodynamics, applied to the cosmos, indicates that the universe is running down like a clock.  If it is running down, there must have been a time when it was fully wound up” in 1959 Gordon Van Wylan wrote: “…The author has found that the Second Law tends to increase his conviction that there is a Creator who has the answer for the future destiny of man and the universe” (Gordon Van Wylan, Thermodynamics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, (1959)).  Also, if the universe had been “fully wound up” at some point, who wound it up to begin with?  There is also the problem evolutionists have with the concept of Singularity, which is what took place before it? 
More instances where science proves the truth of the Bible and creation is when the prophet Amos said that God “calls the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth.”  This verse, Amos 9:6, was written around 760 BC, yet Galileo discovered the fact of the water cycle 300 years ago and even now some scientists are still realizing God’s “decrees for the rain”.  Also, in Job 38:7 [When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy], God told Job that stars emit radio waves that earth receives in a high pitched sound, yet science is still discovering this even now as universes are emitting radio waves amongst other sounds that still puzzles them.  In Job 38:35 the Bible uses a statement that light can be sent and then manifested into speech, in which science realized this biblical fact when British scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, made the suggestion that electricity and light were both forms of the same thing.  This tells us how we are able to use cellular phones to communicate to people across the world without the use of wires. 
From nothing to something, or created for a purpose?  From the possibility of the Big Bang creating the Universe and the Earth, or Earth coincidentally being the only life sustaining planet with the perfect attributes?  Did we also gain values, morals, and the way humans and animals are able to communicate through the evolutionary process?  Is it also a mere coincidence that there are some things that were scientifically proven hundreds of years or thousands of years ago in the Bible before they were actually discovered?  Hopefully this paper has either changed your mind to the possibility of there being a Creator that designed you for a purpose or at least perhaps opened you up to looking into that possibility for yourself. 


1) Poppe, Kenneth. 2008.  Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Cannot Explain   Human existence. Eugene, Oregon. Harvest House Publishers.

2) Comfort, Ray. Feb. 2003. The Evidence Bible. Bridge Logos Pub. New and Revised Edition.

3) Battersby, Stephen. Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted from Nearby Galaxy. Retrieved from:

4) OceanMotion and surface currents. Retrived from:

5) Michael Ruse.  Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Retrived from:

6) Feb. 15, 2004. A Question of Origins dvd. USA: Eternal Productions Studios. Jim Tetlow.

Science and Creationism, Part III: Human Evolution

This post is the third in a four-part series about the scientific perspective of creationism. All the information is taken from a final paper I wrote for a class at Genesee Community College.

The first post is about the Big Bang Theory, galactic placement, and the planets; the second is about Molecular Biology and the final one will contain concluding thoughts.

As for evolution itself, there are currently even scientists and paleontologists that are starting to believe that it is an impossible thing to have occurred.  In reference to that statement, it was written “An increasing number of scientists, most particularly a growing number of evolutionists (particularly academic philosophers) agree that Darwinian evolutionary theory is no genuine scientific theory at all.  Many of the critics have the highest credentials.” (Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Michael Ruse. New Scientist. Pg. 828-830. June 25, 1981).  
According to the Grant R. Jeffery, writer of The Signature of God, he explained that Charles Darwin admitted that millions of ‘missing links’ would need to be revealed in the fossil record for an attempt to accurately confirm his speculation that all species had progressively evolved by chance mutation into new species.  Although for his theory, despite the millions that have been spent on probing for fossils globally for more than a century, the scientists have failed to locate one missing link out of the millions that must exist if evolution is to be proven truthful and more than just a theory.  Even the writer David Berlinsky was quoted to say, “There are gaps in the fossil graveyard, places where there should be intermediate forms, but where there is nothing whatsoever instead.  No paleontologist…denies that this is so.  It is simply a fact.  Darwin’s theory and the fossil record are in conflict”, and also an article from Time Magazine on Nov. 7, 1977 reported that, “Scientists concede that their most valued theories are based on embarrassingly new fossil fragments and that huge gaps exist in the fossil record.”

     According to Dr. Colin Patterson, senior Paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History, in 1981 in New York City said,

One morning I woke up and…it struck me that I had been working on this stuff for 20 years and there wasn’t a thing I knew about it.  That’s quite a shock to learn that one can be mislead for so long…I’ve tried putting a simple question to various people: ‘Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing that is true? (p. 1430) 

And after posing this question to the geology staff of the Field Museum of Natural History, all he got was silence as a response, and yet again when he posed the question, this time in front of the members of the prestigious Evolutionary Morphology seminar in the University of Chicago, he received silence again until one of the members spoke up and said, “I do know one thing – it ought not be taught in high school.” 

     When it comes to speaking, how did language come to be in humans and how does it differ from that of how animals communicate?  Charles Darwin, Noam Chomsky, and Einstein have different points of view on the subject, each with an interesting take.  According to Einstein and his academic acquaintance, Charles Peirce, both agreed that man’s distinct capability to commune originated from within, unlike Charles Darwin, who in his book The Descent of Man, wrote “I cannot doubt that language owes its origin to the imitation of animals and man’s own instinctive cries,” meaning that he believed gradualism fashioned the species and the sounds they made that in time followed the evolutionary pathway and turned into language.  Noam Chomsky, an MIT professor and evolutionist, disagreed and said, “The ability to speak with symbolic words is an all or nothing affair and humans are equipped with a unique deep structure that allows them to produce the discourses that we routinely do.”   

     Kenneth Poppe also had a take on the subject of how language came to be.  He went on to write how humans differ from animals in how we are born with a inherent gift to make a singular set of gestures and sounds that are understood by any other of our own species in one way or another.  In addition, he stated that we all have the genetic talent to also process and assess information, despite how we communicate the point and are trained in multiple different ways to send a response, while in contrast, all other animal species on Earth have one way for communication that is dependent upon that one way of communication.  And since animals only have one way to communicate with their own species and humans are able to do it in a variety of ways with their own species, we can use that knowledge to conclude that we have a unique form of the deep structure that Chomsky talked about.  Therefore it has to be registered in a different way in the DNA of humans and animals respectively.  Or in other words, we can see that our genetics have an amplified ability that is exceedingly intricate.  This shows us that there is a critical distinction between the progression of humans and animals that does in fact separate us from the ancestors of chimpanzees and apes that Darwinists continue to say we evolved from.  As Poppe said,  Einstein realized that this capability, communication through sounds as well as printed letters and numbers, could never be a product of natural evolution, which in his mind left only one alternative – the God that he often referred to” and also that, “Either Darwin was correct in that the human language developed slowly over time from animal sounds or Einstein, Peirce, and Chomsky were correct through saying that there are no parallels to the natural world in how we communicate. (p. 168) 

     If we evolved like it is taught we did, why is it that animals do not seem to have the conscience choice of doing or not doing something?  Animals are only able to go by instinct when they, like in the case of birds, sing because that’s what they are inwardly programmed to do, but with humans, we have the ability to choose to sing or not sing.  Is it by chance that animals go by instinct alone and humans are able to make a conscious choice?  What about values and morals?  Jacques Monod, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965, was quoted to say, “Science is ignorant of values,” but Kenneth Poppe believes that I say a variety of good and evil acts exist, and had their origin from the concept of choice given to the world’s first couple made in the image of God.  This option to decide is what we all would have requested, and choice is the dividing factor that puts humans on a spiritual plane totally separating us from either bacterium or chimps, which remain on the biological plane only. (p. 188-189)

     Also, if you compare the Nobel Eightfold Path of Buddhism, the 42 Declarations of Purity of the Egyptian Ma’ at Law, the Chivalric Order of the medieval knights, and the 10 Commandments, amongst many other writings in the cultures of the world, there is a remarkable point of occurrence in the values, morals, and rules that are the basis of how we should live or treat others.  In which these lead to the reality of a force in the world that causes people to need to have certain rules to govern how they live, and this also shows the existence of good and evil extends to a further power that is greater than the ideals that evolution has a difficult time clearing up.  Societies in general, along with common sense, also can show us that there is truth to saying that values exist and their existence proves that there is a Giver of those values; they aren’t something that came along by chance.
1) Poppe, Kenneth. 2008.  Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Cannot Explain   Human existence. Eugene, Oregon. Harvest House Publishers.
2) Comfort, Ray. Feb. 2003. The Evidence Bible. Bridge Logos Pub. New and Revised Edition.
3) Battersby, Stephen. Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted from Nearby Galaxy. Retrieved from:
4) OceanMotion and surface currents. Retrived from:
5) Michael Ruse.  Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Retrived from:
6) Feb. 15, 2004. A Question of Origins dvd. USA: Eternal Productions Studios. Jim Tetlow.

Science and Creationism, Part II: Molecular Biology

This post is the second in a four-part series about the scientific perspective of creationism. All the information is taken from a final paper I wrote for a class at Genesee Community College.

The first post is about the Big Bang Theory, galactic placement, and the planets; and the next will be about human evolution.

      When it comes to the complexity of molecular structure, there are some figures that show how difficult it would be for evolution to explain the results of.  Kenneth Poppe went on to describe how in the event of generating a small cellular protein chain consisting of 100 amino-acid chains in the correct sequence, choosing from an alphabet of amino-acids with 20 choices, it has a miniscule probability outcome resulting in 1 chance in 10130 random tries.  And as Kenneth Hoppe said,
 If life actually did appear in the first two billion years of Earth’s existence as evolutionists tend to say it did, than that’s 1016 seconds of total time that nature would need to be testing 10114 new combinations every second in order to have the required odds to be successful.  Seeing as how there are only an estimated 1080 atoms in the universe, the odds of finding that one necessary protein is zero, and since there are also 80,000 other proteins to generate that can be up to 10,000 amino-acid chains long, blind luck in this case has a “zero to the infinity power” chance to produce organic molecules without some kind of intelligent assistance. (p. 23)
     He also wrote about how Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) have to be a product of Intelligent Design because they are an outline for life due to how they cannot come before the less intricate proteins that they produce, they are the most complex organic molecules without any natural rationalization, and that they help to guarantee that every species on the planet will replicate “after their own kind.”
     Evolutionary beliefs also hold that all life, human, plant, and animal, all came from chemical compounds that created the bacteria that evolved into various animals and eventually into humans. This is usually referred to as Spontaneous Generation.  Unfortunately, if they want to hold onto that belief, they must let go of one of the fundamental laws of biology, the law of Biogenesis that says life can only arise from pre-existing life.  And according to A Question of Origins, any case for chemical evolution weakens upon considering how long chains of amino acids, all exactly in the correct position, are required to form the proteins of life.  Also, amino acids do not naturally link up to form proteins, but instead break down. Malcolm Bowden, engineer and author, regarding life’s origin said, 
“The origin of the very first life out of ordinary complex chemicals is so large that no evolutionist has ever been able to overcome it and it’s one of the biggest barriers to the theory of evolution that I know of.” It’s a fact that even the simplest existing cells have the need for thousands of specialized proteins in order to function"
1) Poppe, Kenneth. 2008.  Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Cannot Explain   Human existence. Eugene, Oregon. Harvest House Publishers.
2) Comfort, Ray. Feb. 2003. The Evidence Bible. Bridge Logos Pub. New and Revised Edition.
3) Battersby, Stephen. Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted from Nearby Galaxy. Retrieved from:
4) OceanMotion and surface currents. Retrived from:
5) Michael Ruse.  Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Retrived from:
6) Feb. 15, 2004. A Question of Origins dvd. USA: Eternal Productions Studios. Jim Tetlow.

Science and Creationism, Part I: The Big Bang Theory, Galactic Placement, and the Planets

In light of the recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Hamm, I thought it would be interesting to post some more facts from a scientific perspective about the creationism/evolution debate. This will be the first of four posts concerning the scientific support for intelligent design. All the information is taken from a final paper I wrote for a class at Genesee Community College.

Did you know that the Earth is positioned in just the perfect spot in the universe to support life?  According to Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Can’t Explain Human Existence, by Kenneth Poppe, the author explains that our planet was positioned in the ideal location in the solar system as well as with other perfectly placed planets surrounding a star with the perfect length, width, and intensity, in the most ideal spot in the galaxy. Earth also has the perfect diameter with the ideal tilt along with the perfect temperature ranges, water content, atmospheric balance, soil mixtures, terrain variations, weather patterns, and mineral content to be the only planet to sustain life.  He also explains how the mathematical probability of randomly generating such complete and totally abundant interactive conditions for life is zero.  In reference to the Earth’s galactic placement, Dr. Chuck Missler was quoted to say,
We quickly discover that if the earth was a little closer, or a little further from the sun, it would be either too warm or too cold.  If it turned at a little different speed, if the masses were a little different, it would hold too much or too little atmosphere.  As for trying to model this, you quickly discover that all the parameters involve an incredibly delicate balance.  And so they call this the Anthropic Principle, meaning, it’s as if everything we know was skillfully designed or balanced for man.
Also according to the DVD, A Question of Origins, the earth is at a very specific distance from the sun and it’s been estimated that if we were only 5% closer, the water would boil off from the surface of the oceans (possibly explaining people’s talk of a man-made “Global Warming”, instead of how massive earthquakes over the years have tipped Earth off its original axis, therefore resulting in weather pattern changes), and if we were just 1% away from the sun, the oceans would freeze.  The DVD also goes on to explain how the earth’s surface gravity is exactly how it needs to be, because if there was more it would result in too much atmospheric pressure and if there was less we wouldn’t have an atmosphere at all.  In which the reason for why the Earth is so perfect for us to live on was stated in the Bible in Isaiah 45:18 [For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else].
Was there really a Big Bang that created the properties that caused life to evolve throughout the course of millions and billions of years?  It was reported that “New scientific revelations about supernovas, black holes, quarks, and the Big Bang even suggest to some scientists that there is a ‘grand design’ in the universe” (U.S. News & World Report, on March 31, 1997) and Jim Holt, science writer of the Wall Street Journal said, “The universe suddenly exploded into being…The Big Bang bears an uncanny resemblance to the Genesis command.”
When something explodes it always bring about chaos, not order and beauty like you would see in a peacock or a butterfly, and even Charles Darwin couldn’t grasp the complexity of the eye when he admitted, “To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”  Also, according to statistician, George Gallup, admitted that he could prove God’s existence when he said, “I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone, the chance that all of the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity.”  Dr. Mark Eastman, former atheist and evolutionist, and author of “The Creator Beyond Time and Space”, was quoted to say,
Evolutionary thinking is applied to most areas of science.  The field of evolutionary cosmology proposes that the universe is a result of a random explosion some fifteen to eighteen billion years ago.   There are no examples that I’ve seen where an explosion produced order.  Explosions are destructive because they cause spontaneous degeneration, not spontaneous generation.
Agreeing with that is a quote from Malcolm Bowden, engineer and author, who said,
Is there any order coming out of a big explosion?  I would say not in any way.  Explosions cause chaos and random distribution of various parts that were there perhaps as a united organization beforehand.  Any explosion renders that completely null and void.  There is my evidence, to my mind, that an explosion or even the Big Bang theory cannot ultimately produce organized beings like us or any other animals.
            Did the other planets also come from the Big Bang and evolve as well?  Is it possible that the planets could have actually been created by a Designer instead?  There is a favorite theory amongst scientists that the universe was created from the swirling dust and gas that resulted from the Big Bang, but if the planets, sun, and moons are studied carefully you are able to realize that they should all have very specific and similar compositions, but oddly enough, there are many differences instead.  According to A Question of Origins, the Sun is composed of 98% hydrogen and helium, but the Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars have less than 1% of these two compounds in them.  Another difference is that any moon that is in our solar system should have the same rotation around the planet they are orbiting, but there are some that are in a backwards orbit, while the moons residing with Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter somehow orbit in both directions.  And the same theory should go for the planets as well, although Uranus is tipped on its side rotating like a wheel, while Pluto and Venus rotate backwards.  There is also the problem of Jupiter and other gas-like planets for evolutionists.  The problem resides in how they keep the gases, as gas dissipates very quickly when in the vacuum of space, while other sun-like stars cannot even form a gas-like planet because they also don’t have enough Hydrogen or helium making up their composition.  The moon itself also shows signs that it was created in the orbit that it is in because of the lack of similarities and elements compared to the earth.

Stay tuned for Part II: Molecular Biology.
1) Poppe, Kenneth. 2008.  Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Cannot Explain   Human existence. Eugene, Oregon. Harvest House Publishers.
2) Comfort, Ray. Feb. 2003. The Evidence Bible. Bridge Logos Pub. New and Revised Edition.
3) Battersby, Stephen. Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted from Nearby Galaxy. Retrieved from:
4) OceanMotion and surface currents. Retrived from:
5) Michael Ruse.  Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Retrived from:
6) Feb. 15, 2004. A Question of Origins dvd. USA: Eternal Productions Studios. Jim Tetlow.

03 February 2014

A Song That Touched My Heart

Hi! It’s Samantha! This is my first post and I think I am going to be doing a lot of this. I love being part of this group!!! This might sound odd, but sometimes I think God talks to me through music. So, a lot of my posts will probably be on inspirational songs, reviews on positive films, and any stories that I might be writing. I’ll love some feedback!!

Of all the songs that seem to have a faith-based message, “Constant Angel” by singer-actor and songwriter Ramin (Rah-meen) Karimloo (car-eem-loo, I think) (pictured above) is one of my definite favorites. This song was born one day when he was listening to a CD of worship music in his car and is on his debut album Human Heart (US version).  I like to think the song is about the importance of faith and how there will always be someone who will love you. This song made me realize I was special and  moved me to tears.

For more on the song, search “Ramin Karimloo on Songs of Praise” to hear more on his idea on faith as well as a beautiful acoustic performance of this song and “Bring Him Home”. You can also check out his website and his YouTube page ARoamingIranian. Yes, you read that right….he is Iranian.

Ramin was born in Tehran, Iran on September 19th, 1978. His family fled when he was three months old because of the revolution; living in Italy for a while and then moving permanently to Canada when Ramin was three. Ramin went to London to act in the West End; becoming the youngest actor ever to play The Phantom (age 29) and a few years ago as Valjean in Les Miz with which he will be making his Broadway debut in March. He was in Toronto from September to this January.

A Christian (the happiest day of my life was the day I found that out), he felt very honored and blessed to be part of both Les Miz 25 (as Enjolras) and Phantom 25 on PBS (both shows are available on DVD and a cast recording of Phantom 25 is also available) and sees just being on stage as a spiritual thing. If anyone’s wondering…..yes, I do have a crush on him and I love his music; there are some more of his songs I will probably be doing on here.

Editor's Note: Listen to Ramin Karimloo's song "Constant Angel" below!