
09 February 2014

Science and Creationism, Part I: The Big Bang Theory, Galactic Placement, and the Planets

In light of the recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Hamm, I thought it would be interesting to post some more facts from a scientific perspective about the creationism/evolution debate. This will be the first of four posts concerning the scientific support for intelligent design. All the information is taken from a final paper I wrote for a class at Genesee Community College.

Did you know that the Earth is positioned in just the perfect spot in the universe to support life?  According to Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Can’t Explain Human Existence, by Kenneth Poppe, the author explains that our planet was positioned in the ideal location in the solar system as well as with other perfectly placed planets surrounding a star with the perfect length, width, and intensity, in the most ideal spot in the galaxy. Earth also has the perfect diameter with the ideal tilt along with the perfect temperature ranges, water content, atmospheric balance, soil mixtures, terrain variations, weather patterns, and mineral content to be the only planet to sustain life.  He also explains how the mathematical probability of randomly generating such complete and totally abundant interactive conditions for life is zero.  In reference to the Earth’s galactic placement, Dr. Chuck Missler was quoted to say,
We quickly discover that if the earth was a little closer, or a little further from the sun, it would be either too warm or too cold.  If it turned at a little different speed, if the masses were a little different, it would hold too much or too little atmosphere.  As for trying to model this, you quickly discover that all the parameters involve an incredibly delicate balance.  And so they call this the Anthropic Principle, meaning, it’s as if everything we know was skillfully designed or balanced for man.
Also according to the DVD, A Question of Origins, the earth is at a very specific distance from the sun and it’s been estimated that if we were only 5% closer, the water would boil off from the surface of the oceans (possibly explaining people’s talk of a man-made “Global Warming”, instead of how massive earthquakes over the years have tipped Earth off its original axis, therefore resulting in weather pattern changes), and if we were just 1% away from the sun, the oceans would freeze.  The DVD also goes on to explain how the earth’s surface gravity is exactly how it needs to be, because if there was more it would result in too much atmospheric pressure and if there was less we wouldn’t have an atmosphere at all.  In which the reason for why the Earth is so perfect for us to live on was stated in the Bible in Isaiah 45:18 [For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else].
Was there really a Big Bang that created the properties that caused life to evolve throughout the course of millions and billions of years?  It was reported that “New scientific revelations about supernovas, black holes, quarks, and the Big Bang even suggest to some scientists that there is a ‘grand design’ in the universe” (U.S. News & World Report, on March 31, 1997) and Jim Holt, science writer of the Wall Street Journal said, “The universe suddenly exploded into being…The Big Bang bears an uncanny resemblance to the Genesis command.”
When something explodes it always bring about chaos, not order and beauty like you would see in a peacock or a butterfly, and even Charles Darwin couldn’t grasp the complexity of the eye when he admitted, “To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”  Also, according to statistician, George Gallup, admitted that he could prove God’s existence when he said, “I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone, the chance that all of the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity.”  Dr. Mark Eastman, former atheist and evolutionist, and author of “The Creator Beyond Time and Space”, was quoted to say,
Evolutionary thinking is applied to most areas of science.  The field of evolutionary cosmology proposes that the universe is a result of a random explosion some fifteen to eighteen billion years ago.   There are no examples that I’ve seen where an explosion produced order.  Explosions are destructive because they cause spontaneous degeneration, not spontaneous generation.
Agreeing with that is a quote from Malcolm Bowden, engineer and author, who said,
Is there any order coming out of a big explosion?  I would say not in any way.  Explosions cause chaos and random distribution of various parts that were there perhaps as a united organization beforehand.  Any explosion renders that completely null and void.  There is my evidence, to my mind, that an explosion or even the Big Bang theory cannot ultimately produce organized beings like us or any other animals.
            Did the other planets also come from the Big Bang and evolve as well?  Is it possible that the planets could have actually been created by a Designer instead?  There is a favorite theory amongst scientists that the universe was created from the swirling dust and gas that resulted from the Big Bang, but if the planets, sun, and moons are studied carefully you are able to realize that they should all have very specific and similar compositions, but oddly enough, there are many differences instead.  According to A Question of Origins, the Sun is composed of 98% hydrogen and helium, but the Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars have less than 1% of these two compounds in them.  Another difference is that any moon that is in our solar system should have the same rotation around the planet they are orbiting, but there are some that are in a backwards orbit, while the moons residing with Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter somehow orbit in both directions.  And the same theory should go for the planets as well, although Uranus is tipped on its side rotating like a wheel, while Pluto and Venus rotate backwards.  There is also the problem of Jupiter and other gas-like planets for evolutionists.  The problem resides in how they keep the gases, as gas dissipates very quickly when in the vacuum of space, while other sun-like stars cannot even form a gas-like planet because they also don’t have enough Hydrogen or helium making up their composition.  The moon itself also shows signs that it was created in the orbit that it is in because of the lack of similarities and elements compared to the earth.

Stay tuned for Part II: Molecular Biology.
1) Poppe, Kenneth. 2008.  Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link: Why Evolution Cannot Explain   Human existence. Eugene, Oregon. Harvest House Publishers.
2) Comfort, Ray. Feb. 2003. The Evidence Bible. Bridge Logos Pub. New and Revised Edition.
3) Battersby, Stephen. Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted from Nearby Galaxy. Retrieved from:
4) OceanMotion and surface currents. Retrived from:
5) Michael Ruse.  Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science. Retrived from:
6) Feb. 15, 2004. A Question of Origins dvd. USA: Eternal Productions Studios. Jim Tetlow.

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